Posts in Category: Slug Science

Goodbye for Now

Elysia diomedea in front of Casa Caguama field station June 29, 2022.

This will probably be the last post for a while.  For starters, I will be retiring from teaching at the end of spring semester 2023.  Also, I think I have taken the project as far as I would like (but see below), and I have scurried back to the comfortable world of arthropod physiology.  I am so glad I got to know the many facets of Elysia, its behavior and biology, and it has been a fantastic opportunity to teach students about unusual organisms and the scientific process.

One of the last members of the brood hatched and raised last year.

It seems to be a good time to collect my thoughts and observations from the first seven or so years of the project.  Although I believe the field would benefit greatly from an up-to-date formal review, that is not my intention here.

Kleptoplasty is not Monolithic

When I started the project, I carried some misconceptions about the biology of Elysia.  The portrayal in the popular press at the time, and to some extent in the scientific literature, was that they were “crawling leaves” that had stolen the chloroplasts from their food plants and could therefore live indefinitely (or at least a very long time) with only light as an energy source.  My goal, in addition to using it as a teaching tool, was to understand the impact of kleptoplasty on the behavior and neurobiology of the slugs.

When I dug deeper, I discovered a lot of diversity, both between species and within a species based on which plant is the source of the chloroplasts.  For example, species can be divided into non-kleptoplastic, which digest all cellular contents immediately, short term kleptoplastic, which hold onto the chloroplasts, and long-term, which maintain functional chloroplasts for weeks or months (Christa et al., 2014).  However, even those species labeled as “long-term” vary widely in how long the chloroplasts are maintained, and this can further depend on the species of origin of the chloroplasts.

The only species that may be a true “crawling leaf” would be E. chlorotica.  Once they have obtained chloroplasts from the alga Vaucheria, they can support them for at least nine months (Green et al., 2000).  One could build a nice story that the function of kleptoplasty is to provide an energy source for this species.  Unfortunately, the story falls apart if one looks at other “long-term” kleptoplastic species, such as E. crispata or E. viridis.  Based on my own observations and those of others, these species will starve to death relatively quickly if not fed, despite the presence of actively photosynthesizing kleptoplasts.

Which brings us to the big question: Why do the slugs devote significant energy to separating chloroplasts from their food algae and maintaining them in a functional state?

The Function of Kleptoplasty: The Answer is Generally “Yes”

There have been many experiments performed to address hypotheses regarding the function of kleptoplasty in Elysia.  Some have been truly elegant, others not so much, but they have generated a lot of information and some insight regarding the benefits of stolen chloroplasts.  For me, one of the most important insights is that the chloroplasts are likely to provide multiple benefits to their hosts.

Here are some leading hypotheses:

Trophic Support: providing energy as nutrients or storage.

  • Carbon (sugar) production: Kleptoplasts continue to produce sugars and there is abundant evidence that that these reach the slugs’ cells (e.g., Cruz et al., 2020).
  • Storage tissue: Kleptoplasts act as a “living larder,” providing energy and nutrients during times of fasting (Laetz and Wagele, 2018).

Metabolic Support: Aiding cellular metabolism by either removing CO2 and other waste products, or producing O2.

  • Waste removal: Kleptoplasts can waste products from the slugs’ metabolism as substrates for energy production (Cruz et al., 2020).
  • O2 production: It has been demonstrated multiple times (e.g., Dionisio et al., 2018) that kleptoplastic slugs produce excess oxygen during photosynthesis.


  • Visual: The chloroplasts are responsible for the green color of Elysia species and undoubtedly conceal them from predators.
  • Chemical: metabolites from the kleptoplasts may help them to match the odors of their food plants and evade predators such as nudibranchs that hunt using their sense of smell (Gavagnin et al., 2000)

Chemical synthesis: Using biochemical pathways of the chloroplasts to make chemicals for the slug.

  • Egg production: Elysia provided with both food and light produce more eggs than those with only food (Shiroyama et al., 2020), and kleptoplasts have been shown to produce lipids that could support egg production.
  • Defense: E.rufescens uses the chemicals produced by kleptoplasts taken from Bryopsis algae for its own defense, with the added twist that the alga is using a bacterial symbiont to make the chemicals (Zan et al., 2019).

In short, there is support for nearly every hypothesis that has been proposed.  Taking these results at face value, kleptoplasty can provide a range of benefits to the host slug.  Each species may then exploit a subset of the resources that would depend on its food plant, ecology and evolutionary history.

Where Now?

Re-review and re-think.  One crucial step in untangling the web of hypotheses would be a thorough re-review of the literature, emphasizing the biological diversity of kleptoplastic species (including Elysia and Plakobranchus) rather than pursuing a unified theory.  We already know that long-term kleptoplasty arose multiple times among sacoglossan species, so it is likely that the precise molecular mechanisms and metabolic benefits will vary across the group.  Given the size of the literature pool, a monograph may be more appropriate than a simple review article.

Molecular mechanisms.  A large amount of data has been already collected regarding possible functions of kleptoplasty, so it may be time to shift focus from “what is the benefit of kleptoplasty?” to “how does it work?”  The tools (if not the financial support) exist for rigorous examination of the ways in which chloroplasts are separated from the rest of the cellular contents of the algae, transported to the slugs’ tissues and maintained for months at a time.  Based on a career spent studying physiology, I fully expect that the diversity of function described above will be reflected in a diversity of cellular and molecular mechanisms.

There are some very talented people working on this line of inquiry, and I hope to have a chance to post about their discoveries in the future.

What about me?  The project has largely served its purpose.  Using the unusual biology of Elysia, several groups of students at USG and at Ocean Discovery Institute were introduced to topics such as PCR barcoding, chemical ecology, the neurobiology of behavior, and physiological ecology.  In the process, I was able to take deep dives into literature and develop experiments to test the hypotheses we developed.  Heck, I even learned how to culture E. crispata from egg to adult.  At some point, I will want to take the lessons I have posted on the Solar Slug site and turn them into something more accessible.

Coulometric respirometer measuring O2 consumption of scorpions.

For now, I have shut down the slug system, and have shifted back to arthropod physiology.  We have developed methods for measuring respiration in fruit flies, beetles, and scorpions, and it may be time to get to work popularizing the methods and results of that work.

Scorpion in respirometry chamber.

As long as E. crispata and its food, Bryopsis plumosa, are available, the project can always be restarted with a few emails.  So, this is not “goodbye” as much as “see you later.”


Christa, G., Händeler, K., Kück, P., Vleugels, M., Franken, J., Karmeinski, D., Wägele, H. (2014) Phylogenetic evidence for multiple independent origins of functional kleptoplasty in Sacoglossa (Heterobranchia, Gastropoda). Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 15 (1), pp. 23-36

Cruz S, LeKieffre C, Cartaxana P, Hubas C, Thiney N, Jakobsen S, Escrig S, Jesus B, Kühl M, Calado R, Meibom A. (2020) Functional kleptoplasts intermediate incorporation of carbon and nitrogen in cells of the Sacoglossa sea slug Elysia viridis Sci Rep. 10: 10548.

Dionísio G, Faleiro F, Bispo R, Lopes AR, Cruz S, Paula JR, Repolho T, Calado R, Rosa R. (2018) Distinct Bleaching Resilience of Photosynthetic Plastid-Bearing Mollusks Under Thermal Stress and High CO(2) Conditions. Front Physiol. 9:1675.

Gavagnin M, Mollo E, Montanaro D, Ortea J, Cimino G (2000) Chemical studies of Caribbean sacoglossans: Dietary relationships with green algae and ecological implications. J Chem Ecol 26(7):1563–1578.

Green, B.J., Li, W.-Y., Manhart, J.R., Fox, T.C., Summer, E.J., Kennedy, R.A., Pierce, S.K., Rumpho, M.E. (2000) Mollusc-algal chloroplast endosymbiosis. Photosynthesis, thylakoid protein maintenance, and chloroplast gene expression continue for many months in the absence of the algal nucleus. Plant Physiology, 124 (1), pp. 331-342.

Laetz EMJ, Wägele H. (2017) Chloroplast digestion and the development of functional kleptoplasty in juvenile Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) as compared to short-term and non-chloroplast-retaining sacoglossan slugs. PLoS One 12: e0182910.

Shiroyama H, Mitoh S, Ida TY, Yusa Y. (2020) Adaptive significance of light and food for a kleptoplastic sea slug: implications for photosynthesis. Oecologia 194: 455-463.

Zan J, Li Z, Tianero MD, Davis J, Hill RT, Donia MS. (2019) A microbial factory for defensive kahalalides in a tripartite marine symbiosis. Science. 364: eaaw6732.

New Space!

After a long, tiring semester, we have moved into a new location in a shiny new building.

The Biomedical Sciences and Engineering building opened to great hoopla in November.  Local and state bigwigs participated in the ribbon cutting, but, more importantly, so did some Biological Sciences students.


Official opening of the new building. Dignitaries include Stew Edelestein, the Executive Director of USG (center in dark suit), Larry Hogan, Maryland Governor (second from right), Marc Elrich, County Executive (Left of Stew), and Mikal Abraha, Associated Students President and Biological Sciences senior (3rd from left).

During all the hubbub, the students in the Cell Biology Lab course were going full speed in their new cell culture facility upstairs. A few even made their way into a Washington Post story about the event.

Although the building was officially open, it has token a while for it to be truly ready for use. Even now, there are contractors coming and going to put the finishing touches on the structure, and some necessities, such as ice machines are on the way.

Nonetheless, we made the move to our new space last week. It has taken months of preparation to have the spaces ready for the equipment, and the equipment ready for the spaces. We have been running Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and Physics labs all in the same room, so it will be luxurious to have two large, well laid-out lab spaces and associated preparation areas.

Neurobiology Lab Space, before moving all the equipment in. Great layout, and point exhausts in case we ever work with toxic fumes.

The most important space for the slug project is the new “preserved specimen” room. Someone must have decided that we would be dissecting cadavers, so we have a prep room devoted to dead things, and point exhausts over the lab benches to ventilate fumes from preservatives.

Since we have no plans to store pickled carcasses, the preserved specimen room will make an excellent “live specimen” room. The room is separate from the rest of the lab, so animals can be kept away from chemicals, and it has marine grade shelving perfect for aquaria.

Marine grade steel shelves in the live animal room.
Sink and counter in live animal room.

On top of that, it has a floor sink for washing tanks and other equipment.

Floor Sink in animal room, Perfect for cleaning tanks and equipment.

It took about two full days to set up the plumbing, to move the slug and algae tanks, and to get the control system set back up. Big thanks to Paul, Kevin, and the rest of the IT crew for helping me to get the controller connected to the local network.

The Elysia and Bryopsis system in place. Slug tanks at top, algae tanks in middle, and sump and chiller at bottom. December 24, 2019.

The wiring is still a bit messy, but that can wait until I get my office and the two labs unpacked. Meantime, there are about a dozen slugs enjoying their new home.

Elysia and Bryopsis in the new animal room.

The slugs will soon be joined by the earthworms, crickets, and crayfish for the Neurobiology Lab course.

Posts will probably continue to be sparse for a while. Elysia is still a wonderful system for teaching neurobiology, and I expect some of the students to use them for projects this semester. In the longer term, I am excited about developing multi-unit recording methods to study the activity many nerve cells at a time during sensory processing. However, that will be on hold for a little while while I work on a few other things.

Journal Club: Kahalalide F, It Takes Three to Tango

Summary Figure from Zan et al. Chemical defense in a tripartite marine symbiosis. The bacterial symbiont “Ca. E. kahalalidefaciens,” which lives intra-cellularly in the marine alga Bryopsis sp., produces a diverse library of toxins (the kahalalides) that protect the host from predation. The mollusk E. rufescens sequesters the same toxins from its algal diet and employs them for its own defense.

One of my Slug Club students recently asked me whether it is really worth pursuing the study of obscure, squishy creatures in an era during which biological science seems obsessively focused on “translational” research to apply scientific discoveries to clinical problems.  My response was that, while translational research is unquestionably important, the study of the biologically weird is where we discover unexpected fundamental truths about the way organisms function.  This new insight often lays the groundwork for new areas of research, and can, in time, lead to improvements in people’s lives.

Which brings us to the paper at hand: Zan et al. (2019) “A microbial factory for defensive kahalalides in a tripartite marine symbiosis.”  Science 364: eaaw6732 (published online ahead of print).  This paper not only taught me something new about Elysia, but I discovered methods and biochemical pathways I had never heard of.

For those who do not want to bob and weave their way through the entire journey of discovery, here is the quick summary: The authors discovered a bacterium living within the species of Bryopsis algae upon which Elysia rufescens feeds. This bacterium is responsible for the production of a chemical compound called kahalalide F (hereafter “KF”).  The following observations are what make the story more interesting:

  1. The bacterium makes KF by stitching together amino acids using a biochemical pathway very different from that used by animals and plants.
  2. The bacterium has adapted to the comfortable life inside plant cells by getting rid of many of its genes. 
  3. Although E. rufescens concentrates KF in its tissues to deter predators, it does not maintain the bacteria in its tissues.  This contrasts with the chloroplasts from Bryopsis, which the slug separates from the other cellular components and continue to photosynthesize.

If that sounds interesting to you, then read on.

It was very exciting to discover a paper about E. rufescens and its food plant Bryopsis, in the journal Science during my lunchtime reading this week.  Science is one of the two most-read scientific journals in the world, so any article must be splashy and important enough for a wide readership.  That a study about Elysia was deemed worthy of publishing there pleased me to no end.  To be honest, the paper is not really about E. rufescens, nor about Bryopsis, but about a bacterium that lives inside Bryopsis, but the alga and slug still play prominent roles.

A quick literature search for E. rufescens (or a peek at the E. rufescens page on this site), will show you that the species has been mostly studied because it contains a defensive molecule called Kahalalide F (KF).

Kahalalide F, from figure 1D of Zan et al. Shown in red at the left end of the molecule is a fatty acid chain, which is bonded to a short string of amino acids. Note multiple “non-proteogenic” amino acids (purple), and D- isomers of amino acids (blue), neither of which is normally used in protein synthesis.

Kahalalide F: A Complex Defensive Compound

At first glance, KF looks like an organic chemist’s nightmare (or dream, I suppose), but on closer inspection it is a peptide, i.e., a short string of amino acids. As described below, KF has a number of unusual features for a peptide. From an ecological perspective, Becerro and colleagues showed that KF is a strong deterrent to predation. KF has also been found to have anti-cancer activity, so there is a medical motivation to study it.

The source of KF was not completely clear. It was assumed to be produced by the Bryopsis species (not yet assigned a species name, so I will simply call it “Bryopsis“) on which E. rufescens feeds. The slugs not only avoid the toxic effects of KF, but they concentrate the compound in their tissues at a higher level than is found in Bryopsis. KF has a few weird chemical features that suggested to researchers that it might be made by microbes and not the alga. For example, there is a fatty acid stuck to one end of the molecule, and it contains a number of “non-proteogenic” amino acids, such as ornithine or dehydrobutyrine, which are features of compounds produced by bacteria.

To test their hypothesis that KF has a microbial origin, and to better understand how it is synthesized, the team used a wide variety of methods, including metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, evolutionary genomic, and biochemical analyses, along with some more traditional fluorescence microscopy. If all the “meta-” and “-omics” has your brain in a knot, don’t panic yet; I will do my best to explain the methods as we go.

First, they chemically extracted the Bryopsis from their collection location to be sure it contained KF. That being done, they extracted DNA from the Bryopsis and any microbes that happened to be in or on the algae when it was collected. Using high-throughput sequencing, which breaks up DNA into fragments and sequences the whole genome, they analyzed the ribosomal RNA from the sample. All organisms have ribosomes that enable them to synthesize proteins, each ribosome contains RNA that helps it function, and the ribosomal RNA from each species has a unique sequence. The Bryopsis sample contained RNA largely from three bacterial classes, one of which was the Flavobacteriia. Of the Flavobacterial sequences, one species comprised 74 to 92% of the sample, making it the most abundant species associated with Bryopsis. To jump ahead again, they ultimately found that this bacterium was a new species, that it was responsible for the synthesis of KF, and gave it the provisional name “candidatus Endobryopsis kahalalidefaciens” (candidate kahalalide-making from inside Bryopsis).

How did they get there? First, they had to figure out the general way the peptide was made. If you are like me, and focus narrowly on multicellular creatures such as animals and plants, then you could be forgiven for thinking there is only one way to make a peptide, which is essentially a short protein. Turns out there are at least two.


In the more canonical approach to making a protein, the cell uses a DNA sequence as a set of instructions to assemble a chain of amino acids. The DNA is read by an enzyme that makes (“transcribes”) messenger RNA (mRNA), and that mRNA is read (“translated”) by a ribosome, which sticks amino acids together in the correct order. Because some of the amino acids in KF are weird, they would have had to be modified after being assembled, so the authors termed this possibility “ribosomal peptide synthesized and posttranslationally modified peptide” pathway, or RiPP.

There is, however, another way that bacteria make peptides, called non-ribosomal peptide synthesis, or NRPS. Unlike a ribosome, which can make any protein or peptide that can be encoded by an mRNA sequence, NRPS requires a collections of enzymes customized for each peptide. NPRS enzymes are composed of modules that assemble the amino acids, modify them as needed, add fatty acids, and so on. This was completely new to me, but there is apparently quite a lot known about it.

In the good old days, it might have taken a lifetime to identify the biochemical pathway that the bacterium uses to make KF. Now that researchers are capable of sequencing, assembling and analyzing whole genomes, it just takes a lot of really hard work. The researchers sequenced all of the genes from organisms associated with Bryopsis, looking for either:

  1. A gene that encodes the sequence of a predicted peptide, which could then be transcribed to mRNA and translated into a peptide. This would indicate that KF is made via RiPP.
  2. A cluster of genes that encode the number and type of modules that would be expected to synthesize KF, based on the sequences of known NRPS enzymes. Finding this would support NRPS as the source of KF.

They did not find a gene with the sequence predicted to encode the KF peptide, suggesting to them that KF was unlikely to be produced via RiPP.

KF Is Made Through NRPS

They combined the data they had from the high-throughput sequencing with a second method of sequencing that produced longer fragments of DNA sequence (“longer reads”), and assembled the entire genome of a bacterium. The genome contained multiple clusters encoding NRPS enzymes, one of which, which they called NRPS-8, had features expected to be required for KF synthesis:

  1. A predicted condensation domain, which would be needed to chemically bind the fatty acid chain (red in the diagram above) to the first amino acid.
  2. A total of 13 predicted NRPS modules, as would be expected for an enzymatic pathway that makes a peptide consisting of 13 amino acids.
  3. Eight of the NRPS modules contain domains that are expected to convert normal L-amino acids to D-amino acids (shown in blue in diagram).

Based on these features, the authors were confident that they had discovered the enzyme that produces KF, and therefore that KF is synthesized by the bacterium through the NRPS pathway.

Including NRPS-8, which the genome sequence of the bacterium contained genes encoding a total of 20 NRPS pathways. Intriguingly, previous work had extracted at least 15 kahalalides from Bryopsis and E.rufescens. When the authors compared the predicted NRPS pathways to the structures of the kahalalides, they could match eight of the “chemotypes” (chemical compounds with the same amino acid sequence, but differing in modifications) to bacterial NRPSs. They conclude that “Candidatus Endobryopsis kahalalidefaciens” (hereafter “cEK”) is responsible for at least nine, and probably all, of the kahalalides produced by Bryopsis.

The Bacterium Is Losing Genes

Based on the complete genome sequence, it was clear that cEK has lost some genes. When they compared its genome to a closely related, but free-living species, they found hundreds fewer genes. The missing genes encoded proteins that performed such functions as DNA repair, detoxification, chemotaxis (moving toward or away from chemical stimuli), adaptation to unusual conditions, and, notably, synthesis of amino acids. All of these would be needed for living in a cruel, variable world, but may not be necessary for a comfortable life associated with an algal cell that provides stability and nourishment.

The fact that the authors were unable to culture the bacterium separately from the alga supports the idea that it is dependent on Bryopsis for survival. Further, by labeling DNA specific to cEK, they showed that the bacterium is found inside the plant cells (see panel from Figure 4, below).

Figure 4D from Zan et al., showing the location of bacteria inside a cell of Bryopsis sp. Yellow dots indicate bacteria labeled with a probe specific for “Candidatus Endobryopsis kahalalidefaciens,” and are indicated by arrowheads labeled “cEK.” Other bacteria that do not contain the cEK marker, are labeled red, and are indicated by the arrowheads labeled “OB.” The cell wall of the alga is labeled blue.

Therefore, cEK appears to be an “endosymbiont,” an organism that lives symbiotically inside the cells of another, and is probably completely dependent on its host alga for survival. In exchange, the bacterium provides a collection of toxic compounds that reduce grazing on the alga. The importance of kahalalide production to the bacterium is underscored by the observation that a full 20% of the genome is devoted to genes devoted to NRPS pathways.

Slugs Do Not Host cEK

As a devotee of Elysia, you are familiar with kleptoplasty, the phenomenon by which the slugs take the chloroplasts from their algal food and maintain them in their bodies as an energy source. If the slugs have a propensity to keep useful cellular components in their bodies, one might ask whether they also store the cEK as a constant source of KF to deter predators from eating them.

The authors confirmed previous work that E. rufescens‘ tissue contains KF, and went on to look for evidence of cEK bacteria in the slugs’ bodies. Using highly sensitive methods to hunt for cEK DNA in the tissues, they found no evidence that the slugs contained significant populations of the bacteria. Attempts at labeling tissues with markers specific for cEK were also unsuccessful, despite positive labeling of other bacterial species. They conclude that, in contrast to their theft and use of algal chloroplasts, E. rufescens digest the bacteria fully when they suck the sap out of the Bryopsis cells.


Once again, biology comes up with a story that is better than fiction. A bacterium infects an alga, takes up residence, and starts using an unusual biochemical pathway to produce nasty compounds that protect the alga from being eaten. Natural selection favors those algae that contain the toxins (and can tolerate them), so the bacteria are now found throughout the species, and possibly even more broadly. The sheltered existence inside the alga allows the bacterium to lose many of the genes it would normally rely on to survive in the outside world, eventually rendering it incapable of independent life. Elysia rufescens can tolerate the toxins produced by the bacteria, and develops mechanisms to concentrate the kahalalides in its tissues.

Do Byopsis pennata or B. plumosa, the favorite foods of E. clarki, contain cEK or a relative? I expect we will know soon enough.

Because the goal of this post was to bring attention to the original work, I have glossed over a huge amount of information regarding the methods used, the biochemistry of kahalalides, and the genomic structure of cEK. I would encourage anyone who is interested to get access to the original article at Science Magazine.

Slug Science Inches Forward

It has been a busy semester on several fronts, and the project has crawled forward a bit.

I am most interested in neurobiology and behavior, so we have moved from studying the chemical ecology of Elysia clarki to working out its behavioral response to external stimuli.  The ultimate goal of figuring out how its nervous system encodes sensory input and motor output.  Accomplishing this requires understanding of both the theoretical and technical aspects of molluscan neuroscience.  We had three goals for Spring semester: 1) develop a stronger knowledge of the literature describing the behavior and nervous systems of opisthobranch molluscs, focusing mostly on nudibranchs and sea hares; 2) work out methods for reproducibly recording from slug neurons; 3) get a better sense of the slugs’ light preferences, in terms of spectrum and intensity.

USG Slug Club, 2019. From left: Josue, Nana, Marianne, Savana, Abigail, Cecilia, Dave.  4/12/19

The intrepid group of seniors and I got right to work. 

For goal 1, we held a Slug Neurobiology journal club every Friday for the first 10 weeks of the semester.  When we started, I was still pretty fuzzy on the details of the visual and nervous systems of opisthobranchs, and had only a vague idea of how they manage to crawl.  I generated a list from multiple overlapping searches for papers describing the visual and motor systems of slugs, and Slug Club students and I presented about 18 papers, along with many more papers required for background.  Despite nudibranchs being a diverse group, most papers described either navigation and swimming in Tritonia, or learning and memory in Hermissenda, with a few papers on Pleurobranchaea, Aplysia, and some snails thrown in for good measure.  After our deep dive into the literature, we have a much better idea of mechanisms of light sensing, ciliary propulsion, and steering. 

Goal 2 was to record from Elysia neurons.  In spring 2018, we had found a good atlas of the Elysia nervous system, and had made a few recordings.  However, the nervous system  is surrounded by a tough sheath made of connective tissue, which makes it difficult to get delicate electrodes into the cells. 

At this point, I needed a colleague to give me some pointers on getting the sheath off, or at least softening it up, but one can count the number of people recording from sea slug nervous systems on one hand.  Fortunately, Paul Katz and his lab have extensive experience.  Paul responded rapidly to my email, and gave me some excellent pointers.  He was excited that there is another captive-bred sea slug being developed for neurobiology, and has been developing Berghia, a nudibranch that is also relatively easy to raise, as a neurobiological model system.  

Berghia nudibranch, from the Berghia Brain Project.

Berghia has some distinct advantages, such as a two month generation time (Elysia takes about 4 months), and surplus slugs can be sold to aquarists to control pest anemones. However, Berghia is much smaller and not kleptoplastic.  Might be a good “normal” species to use for comparison with Elysia, though.  

Even though the neurons that mediate the behavioral response to light are probably in the cerebro-pleural (which get inputs from the eyes) and pedal ganglia (which send outputs to the foot), I decided to start with the abdominal ganglion. It has a lot more big, pretty cells that should be easier to impale with a microelectrode, which increases the chance of success. With Paul’s advice, were able to get the sheath off and record from some large neurons in the abdominal ganglion. 

Spontaneous activity in a neuron in the abdominal ganglion. Large action potentials, reaching about 50 mV, along with large postsynaptic potentials (bumps between action potentials). 4/8/19

Josue, Marianne and I practiced impaling neurons, and got some nice stable recordings. The neuron above fired action potentials at regular intervals and received a lot of synaptic input, indicated by the large bumps between the spikes. Because we currently know nothing about its connections, the significance of the neuron’s pattern of activity is unclear.

Response of an abdominal ganglion neuron to a +1 nA current pule. The neuron fires a single action potential; the spikes at the beginning and end of the current pulse are due to the capacitance of the electrode. 4/8/19.

Another neuron was quiet at rest, but fired one or a few action potentials when stimulated with injected current. As with the previous cell, we know nothing about this neuron, but it provided an opportunity to practice techniques associated with current injection.

Time permitting, the next step is to record from neurons in the cerebro-pleural ganglion and find some that respond to light, and to look for others that control locomotion.

For goal 3, working out the spectra and intensities of light that Elysia prefer, you will have to stay tuned. The students just spent the past month gathering data, and should finish analyzing it within the next week or so.

Map of Elysia diomedea at Bahia de los Angeles

I have added a rudimentary map of the locations at which E. diomedea has been found during our fieldwork during the past few summers.  At the moment, it provides a framework to which we can add more sightings as we turn up more slugs.  

Map of locations sampled repeatedly, indicating those at which Elysia or potentially suitable habtat were found during 2016 and 2018 field seasons.

The short summary is that suitable habitat, consisting of rocky bottom with growths of Codium macroalgae, is distributed throughout the bay, and that the ability to find Elysia can vary wildly at the same site from one day to the next.  With enough time and effort, I expect the little slugs would be found anywhere there is something to eat.

Bahia Adventures Part 5: Slugs Taste Bad (Again)

One of the goals of the Bahia field season was to look a little deeper at the interaction between kleptoplasty and chemical defense.  The general idea went something like this:

  1. Kleptoplasts continue to photosynthesize after they take up residence in the slugs’ tissues.
  2. Slugs produce defensive chemicals that make them taste bad.
  3. Kleptoplasts could be the source of the defensive chemicals: is photosynthesis required to make them?

Based on this line of thinking, we hypothesized that slugs deprived of light should be less distasteful than those kept in bright light.

To put the hypothesis to the test, we set up two tanks that were nearly identical except for lighting.  They were plumbed into the same sump and chiller, so their temperatures and chemistry were essentially identical, but one was illuminated by a high-intensity LED fixture to support photosynthesis (PAR ≥100 mol m2s1), while the other was shaded to reduce the light by 100-fold (PAR < 1 mol m2).

Tanks ready for slugs. Each contains a nearly identical collection of rocks and algae. The tank on the right is illuminated by a high-output LED fixture, while the one on the left is shaded by black felt, resulting in a 100-fold difference in intensity. 6/30/18.

Once we obtained the permit and were allowed to collect, we randomly separated slugs into two tanks that contained roughly equal amounts of Codium on which they could feed.  They were allowed to feed at will, because the goal was to test the role of photosynthesis in generating defensive chemicals, not the effect of starvation.

The original plan was to use mucus from experimental (unlit) and control (lit) slugs to make food cubes, then test which ones were eaten by fishes in the bay.  However, based on experiments at USG, and the fact that we would not be able to extract enough mucus from our few dozen slugs, we decided to test the effects of tissue extracts from whole slugs.  Surprisingly, the students were not as sad as we might have expected that they had to purée their pets.

For the description below, whenever I write “we,” I really mean Ric and the students, because he was very much in charge of this project.  Most of the below photos are his.

Zaira weighing carrageenan for a batch of food cubes. 7/3/18.

The process was as quirky as any of the other experiments we have done in Bahia.  To make the gel base of the food cubes, we needed to dissolve carrageenan in water, which required heating the water to boiling.  The easiest method is to microwave the water, but the only available microwave oven had a single working button (“popcorn”), which turned the microwave on (after a disconcerting delay) for 3.5 minutes.  It took some practice and finesse to turn the machine off at the right time, but they managed.

Zaira stirring food and carrageenan mix. Dodgy microwave oven is at right, and some of the molecular crew (Lili, Dave, Elizabeth) are in the background. 7/3/18.

Fish food pellets were ground and added to the carrageenan solution to make the base food cubes.  Mucus or tissue were then added to a portion of the food, depending on the experiment.

Food mixed and ready to pour. 7/3/18.

Once heated and thoroughly mixed, food was poured into silicone ice cube trays to make 1 cm cubes.  Silicone O-rings, used to secure the food cubes to clips during experiments, were placed into the molds and held steady with acrylic rods.

Bennie setting up rings in food forms, getting ready to pour how food mix. 7/3/18.

Once the O-rings were in place, food was poured into the molds and evened out using a knife.  After cooling for a bit, the whole assembly was stuffed into a ziploc bag and refrigerated until needed.

Food cubes poured and ready for use. Note acrylic rods to keep rings in place. 7/3/18.

At experiment time, food cubes were attached to monofilament lines to be anchored in the bay.  The bottom end of the line was tied to small lead weights, while the top was held afloat by a 16-20 oz soda bottle.  Food cubes were secured by O-rings to plastic safety pins tied to the line at regular intervals.  Several bugs needed to be worked out.  For example, we started with lightweight fishing line, but it had a tendency to break in the surge of the intertidal zone, causing loss of the whole bait line.  We shifted to a much heavier gauge, which apparently scared the fish away, because all food cubes were present after 24 hours.  Ultimately, we settled on something in between, and could start gathering real data.

Keyla, demonstrating system for placing food cubes in the bay.  Plastic safety pins are tied to monofilament fishing line, which is suspended between the float in her right hand and the weights by her left foot.  Food cubes are then clipped to safety pins via embedded O-rings.  7/13/18.

Once food cubes were secure, the lines were placed deep enough to keep them afloat at low tide.

Food cubes suspended in water column in bay.  7/13/18.

Lines were collected after a predetermined time (see below).

Collecting line of now-empty clips.  7/13/18.

For the first round of experiments, cubes were left in the bay for 24 hours.  During this time, essentially all of the control cubes (i.e., without tissue or mucus) were eaten, as were most of the experimental cubes.  Nonetheless, fish appeared to eat fewer cubes containing tissue from slugs kept in the light, compared to those kept in the dark.

Effect of food contents on consumption by fish in the bay. When collected, each line was given a score, with 1 = all cubes intact, and 3 = all cubes gone. In this experiment, all control cubes were missing (and presumed consumed) in 24 hours, as were cubes made from tissue prepared from slugs kept in the dark for one week (right most bar). Food made from slugs kept in light (second from right) had a lower score than the other groups, but the difference was not significant.  Sample sizes: 18 control, 12 mucus, 12 lit, 12 dark.

Because there was concern that missing cubes may have fallen off rather than being eaten, they also tried leaving the cubes in the bay for only one hour.  There was a slight decrease in consumption, but the overall result was the same: tissue from dimly-lit slugs was eaten more often than that from well-lit slugs.  The students were running out of time for these experiments, so the results are preliminary and nothing is statistically significant.

Results of leaving the food lines in the bay for an hour. Food made from slugs kept in the light (middle bar) had a lower consumption score than those without slug tissue (left bar) or made from slugs kept in dim light (right bar). Sample sizes: 18 control, 24 lit, 24 dark.

To summarize several weeks of hard work, it looks like there is something to pursue.  The sample sizes are small, but there is a consistent effect of slug tissue in reducing consumption by fishes, and this effect is reduced or eliminated by keeping slugs in the dark.  Now that the bugs have been worked out, it will certainly be worth trying the experiment again if there is an opportunity to spend a few weeks making food and setting lines.

Thanks again to the USG Slug Club, who pioneered the foodmaking methods, and took care of the slug system while I was away.

Bahia Adventures Part 4: Culmination But Not The End

The only thing better than a picture of a slug is a photo of a slug projected on a giant screen and admired by a bunch of people.

The Photobiology students presenting their results at the annual Report to the Community at the San Diego Museum of Natural History. 8/9/18.  Photo Drew Talley

A few weeks ago, the Photobiology students presented at the Ocean Discovery Institute Report to the Community, held at the San Diego Museum of Natural History.  This is the opportunity for the students to tell their parents, the community, supporters, and everyone associated with Ocean Discovery, about what they did this year in Bahia.

They started with the background and general questions that drove the research: what is kleptoplasty, and how can we learn more about the mechanisms and evolutionary benefits of the phenomenon?  Because they had limited time on stage, they focused on the work we did collecting samples of slugs and algae for identifying food plants.

The punch line was satisfying.  We found that the DNA sequence of the Codium algae collected in front of the station and that from the slugs’ tissue samples came from Codium decorticatum.  I managed to get about 400 bases of sequence from the slugs and the algae, and it was about a 99% match to C. decorticatum.

Short region (54 of >400 bases) of rbcL gene sequences derived in Bahia this summer to show similarities of our data (top two lines) with Codium decorticatum sequence in NCBI database. Elysia diomedea and Codium collected in Bahia were 99% identical to C. decorticatum. Closely related C. fragile only 91% identical (differences indicated by asterisks at bottom).  Asterisk at top indicates difference between E. diomedea and Codium.

The figure above shows a short, representative stretch of DNA from the rbcL gene, from Elysia diomedea and the Codium species we extracted in Bahia (top two rows), along with sequences from two species of Codium from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI; bottom two rows).  The Codium from Bahia matched C. decorticatum almost 100%, whereas the match was only about 91% for the very similar C. fragile.

There were, however, a few differences between the kleptoplast DNA from E. diomedea and C. decorticatum (e.g., asterisks above E. diomedea sequence).  At this point, we don’t know whether this is due to variation within the species that the slugs are consuming, or the slugs are eating more than one species.  We are still waiting for results from NextGen sequencing, which should be more informative and may clear up this puzzle.

A couple of notes about the algae.  First, the Codium and slug sequences are identical to those we obtained in 2016.  At the time, however, C. decorticatum had not been entered into the database, so all we knew was that we had a new species.  The other observation is that the species of Codium we sampled (see photo of tissue here) is relatively low-growing and branchy, unlike the usual tall, sparsely branched appearance of C. decorticatum.  There were specimens that looked like that (e.g., here), and it is likely that the appearance of the alga depends on the local conditions.

Most importantly, the students did a fantastic job of presenting.  I was away visiting family, but I got multiple independent reports from people in the audience who talked about how strong and clear the students’ presentations were.

The Photobiology crew, as drawn by the ever-creative and wonderful Ric Desantiago. Pleas visit his site (Da Hood Scientist) to check out more of his observations and artwork.

I am very pleased and proud to have played a part in the students’ project this summer. Despite all of the up and downs and improvisation, it was a deeply satisfying experience.  I am always amazed how a misanthrope such as myself can have such a great time packed like a sardine into the field station with so many people.  Thanks to the students, the Ocean Discovery staff, Ric, Thiago, the visiting scientists, and everyone.  Especially, thanks again to Dr Drew Talley, mi gemelo de otra madre, for making it possible.

Dopplegeezers at BLA station, 7/5/18

I still have a few posts left regarding the results of the feeding assays and slug surveys, and hope to have them ready in a few weeks’ time.

Bahia Adventures 2018. Part 2: the Middle

It was nerve-wracking not to have the permit.  Without permission, we could gather neither algae nor slugs, so experiments were at a standstill.  Fortunately, we could get started on a few things, like surveying different sites for slugs, and optimizing conditions for the DNA experiments.

Snorkeling in front of the station allowed us an extended period to observe the animals and their habitat.  It was also fun, and gave the students lots of practice at slug hunting.  It was a good year for Elysia at the station, and we saw plenty .  All the more frustrating that we could not collect them.

Elysia diomedea in front of field station. 6/26/18

Finding them is never trivial, however.  Below is a medium-small slug with a finger for scale.  It would be a lot easier if they got as big as E. clarki, but I have never seen them larger than 5 cm or so.

Elysia diomedea on human finger. BLA field station 6/23/18.

There was a lot of Codium, and multiple other species of green algae that could potentially interest the slugs.  I even found a small patch of Bryopsis, which is reputed to be a favorite of captive E. diomedea.

Bryopsis species, probably B. pennata. In front of BLA field station 6/26/18.

We also had the chance to play with the new PCR primers I designed for use in NextGen sequencing.  I had not had much of a chance to test them before I left Maryland, so we took some time in the morning to set up a reaction using DNA I had brought for use as a positive control.

Results of playing with parameters for PCR amplification, using DNA from the alga Avrainvillea nigricans extracted in Maryland. First lane is ladder, which failed for some reason. The rest of the lanes contain DNA amplified using varying amounts of algal DNA and primers. 6/29/18.

The results were encouraging, but imperfect.  The PCR products had two bands, instead of one, suggesting the conditions needed to be modified to amplify only the rbcL gene.

The following day, we set off for a slug survey at Playa La Gringa, a beach area near the north end of the bay.  It is a beautiful spot for a snorkel, and has a lot of potential for slug hunting.  Once there, we suited up and got ready.

The Photobiology Research Group at Playa la Gringa. From left: Maria, Bennie, Lily, DIana, Elizabeth, Zaira, Keyla, Melanie. 6/29/18

They were soon in the water, exploring and enjoying.  This part of the beach receives cold water directly from the Gulf, so the students were happy to have their wetsuits.

Students in the water at La Gringa. 6/29/18.

The rocky bottom looked promising, with a wide range of mixed algae species.

Many species of green, red, and brown algae on rocks at Playa La Gringa. 6/29/18.


Detail of rocky bottom, showing green, red, and brown algae, along with small gorgonian corals. 6/29/18

There were plenty of small treasures, such as urchins, sponges, and hydroids, along with a profusion of fishes.

Hydroids among the algae. Playa La Gringa. 6/29/18.

Codium was also plentiful, in at least two growth forms (or species, not sure), which might indicate the presence of Elysia.

Large growths of Codium at Playa La Gringa. 6/29/18.


Codium with sparser, longer branches. Playa La Gringa, 6/29/18.

Toward the south end of the beach, the rocks were relatively bare, with very little green algae visible.  The brown alga, Padina, was still abundant.

Area to the southeast with heavy growth of Padina, but no visible green algae. 6/29/18.

Despite intensive searching by many eyes, we did not find any Elysia anywhere along the beach.  This does not mean that the slugs are not there, but they certainly did not make their presence known.

At this point, Ric and I had been improvising, or exercising “adaptive management,” for many days, and were running out of tricks.  I had requested that the crew in Maryland send some more DNA samples, but they would not arrive until the following week.  Although despair is way too strong a word, there was a profound sense of “now what?”

It was at that point that the intensive lobbying by Ocean Discovery paid off, and the permit finally came through.  The group could collect slugs and algae, and start work on the planned experiments.

Bahia Adventures 2018. Part 1

Another installment of adventure in science at Bahia de los Angeles on the Gulf of California. This year, I am once again working with students from Ocean Discovery Institute to exapand on what we have learned about feeding assays and DNA sequencing to develop more insight into the diet of Elysia diomedea, and how kleptoplast photosynthesis makes them taste bad.

Drew and I left San Diego with a truck full of stuff, including the tanks, sump and chiller for a slug setup, as well as a perfectly functioning PCR thermocycler from NIH surplus.  Drove through Calexico to Mexicali, caught route 5 south through San Felipe.  The road was largely good, but the unpaved section in the middle still not finished.

USD truck parked on the Mexicali side of the border. 6/20/18

We arrived in Bahia about 5:30, and stopped for the usual photo from the hills leading into town.  When we arrived at the station, the setup crew was working away, although the station was mostly ready for business.

View of Bahia de Los Angeles from the hills above town. 6/20/18

We spent the rest of the evening starting to get organized.  I also found out that we currently do not have a permit for collecting the slugs (all other activities have been approved), so it is not 100% clear that we will be able to do any work.

The next morning, I was eager to get started on assembling the lab space.  It looked as though everything survived shipping from Maryland to San Diego and the drive to Bahia.  We got some new tables, and strung some cords to safely manage electricity flow to the tanks, chiller, freezer, and other lab equipment.

Lab area ready to be set up. 6/21/18

Then we got to set up the tanks.  All the plumbing I had assembled in Maryland connected nicely, but the connectors for the chiller were too small for the ¾” tubing used for the rest of the system.  I could swear we double checked that.  That meant we needed to head to “Home Depot,” the local construction supply lot.  Fortunately, Ric, the Ocean Discovery fellow who is assisting me this summer speaks excellent Spanish, so he could easily explain what we were trying to do.

The very nice owner was pessimistic that he would have the right adaptor, but he found one.  Then Ric told him we needed two, and his pessimism increased.  He miraculously managed to produce another.  However, he had no hose for the connection, so he gave us directions to the other, larger supply lot that we had never heard of.  It was indeed larger, and they had lots of hose.  We bought 3 meters, to have some extra for a siphon hose, and were on our way.

Tanks set up , plumbed and ready for water. 6/21/18

The tank was quickly assembled, and we hauled buckets of sea water to fill up the two tanks and sump.  The water was brown from a dinoflagellate bloom, and looked kind of yucky.  We hoped the skimmer woul clear it out.  Once the tanks were full, we turned the main pump on for a test and cleaned up the splashed water so that we could look for leaks.  It all seemed just right, but water kept on pooling on the floor.  Sure enough, there was a crack on the bottom of the sump, presumably from shipping.  After some discussion and back and forth, Ric and I drove back to Home Depot to get adhesives for a possible fix.  The guy was amused that we were back, and showed us what he had.  We bought the multi-purpose adhesive and some silicone sealer just to be sure.

It was time for the first snorkel.  I put on my wetsuit and headed into the water in front of the staff house.  The door for charging the camera opened promptly after I entered the water and that was the end of that.  Oy.  Nonetheless I looked at a lot of Codium, and was grunted at and bitten by many very aggressive damsels.  Most importantly, I found about 4 small slugs up in front of the house, and called it a day.

Small Elysia diomedea in bay in front of station. 6/23/18

I borrowed Drew’s nearly identical camera for a snorkel on the next day, and went out with Ric in the same area. The visibility was still crummy, but I managed to find a small slug on Codium after a bit, and brought both up to show Ric.  Soon enough, he was finding his own, and we found quite a few, taking some good photos. Without a permit, however, the slugs will stay in the bay for now.

Ric with yet another slug. 6/23/18


Elysia diomedea in Bahia. 6/23/18

The lab was set up, there were plentiful slugs in front of the station, and the students would be arriving that night, so it looks pretty good for a successful time in the field.

Lab just about ready to go, with slug tanks (left) extraction table (middle) and PCR table (right). 6/23/18

In Bahia, there is always some drama.  In this case, it appeared in the form of permits.  It turned out that all of the group’s collecting activities, which included an enormous range of fishes, crustaceans, anemones, and molluscs, were approved, with the exception of my project.  For some reason, maybe something I wrote set off alarm bells, the collection  of Elysia diomedea and marine algae required approval from a different agency.

Stay tuned…

Elysia Neuroanatomy: Old becomes new again!

Ah, the Good Old Days, when “curiosity-driven” science wasn’t naughty.  Of course, one might not want to get too nostalgic when the woman whose work is the subject of this post is referred to as “Miss Lillian Russell” in the running head of the paper.  Apparently, gender and marital status were considered relevant in a scientific publication 90 years ago.

The primary goal of the Solar Sea Slug project is to study the neurobiological specializations of photosynthetic molluscs.  In order to chart the input and output pathways, we need a good roadmap of the central nervous system (CNS) and the nerves that connect it with the rest of the animal.  I had hoped that someone had generated at least a crude diagram, and had found some drawings of the nervous systems of Elysia viridis (Huber, 1993, J. Moll. Stud. 59:381) and E. crispata (Gascoigne, 1972, Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 69:137), but had not found much more.  I fully expected to map the peripheral nerves by myself, and we had even done some preliminary experiments with fluorescent labels for axons for Slug Club during spring semester.

As is often the case, the breakthrough came as I was burrowing through the references from one of the older papers.  Huber’s 1993 paper reviews the structure of the CNS of a wide range of gastropod molluscs, and includes a nice diagram of the central nervous system of E. viridis, but provides no information about the periphery.  I had skimmed the section describing the image, but had mostly focused on the figure itself.  He made a passing reference to earlier work by Russell (1929, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 14:197), so, for the sake of completeness, I ordered the paper through inter-library loan, making it clear that I would like them to include any photographic plates, which are often in a section separate from the main body of the paper.

When I downloaded the paper about a day later, I was pleasantly shocked.  As part of a study of the taxonomy of the ascoglossans (= sacoglossans), Lillian Russell had performed a thorough, detailed analysis of the nervous system, nerves, and internal anatomy of E. viridis and a nudibranch, Aeolidia papillosa. She provided an excellent description of the fusion of about seven ganglia to produce the nerve ring that comprises the CNS, along with multiple excellent drawings of the CNS, the peripheral nerves and internal organs of E. viridis.

Plate 4 of Russell (1929). Detailed map of the ganglionic origins and terminations of peripheral nerves that innervate the body wall.

It is hard to know which image is my favorite, but I am very fond of the drawing below, which shows the ganglia in the head, the nerves that originate from them, and the terminations of the nerves in sensory organs such as the eyes and rhinophores.

Russell (1929) plate 1. Detail of the head, including the nervous system and internal organs. Highlights include the eyes (labeled as such), the cerebral ganglia (labeled 1 and 8a), and the rhinophorial nerve (labeled n. 1).

The drawing below, of the CNS and nerves removed from the animal, is also quite impressive, showing the individual ganglia that make up the CNS, and the origins of the many nerves that carry sensory information in, and motor commands out.

Russell (1929) plate 3. Isolated central nervous system and nerves. The ganglia that comprise the CNS can be seen clearly with the esophagus removed.

Aside from publishing a similar description of E. clarki (which probably only differs in slight details), and leaving a note in her will to let me know about it, I can’t imagine how she could have done any more to help me out.  Although I had intended to do the work myself, anatomical description of this quality requires considerable patience and artistic skill.  I am not very patient, nor am I a good artist.  Thanks to Russell’s hard work, I am free to do my behavioral experiments and electrical recordings, and be in my happy place.

So, why is this useful?  In a general sense, it gives a starting place for finding neurons and circuits that generate behavior.  If you want to know where sensory information goes in the nervous system, finding the nerve that carries the axons from the relevant sense organ or part of the body is a good start.  Same goes for finding the motor neurons that cause muscles in a certain part of the body to contract.  As a specific example, if we are trying to find how information about light gets to the brain, we first need to find the nerves that connect to the eyes or (hypothetically) other sense organs that detect light or photosynthetic activity. Then we can record monitor impulse activity in the nerves, or from the specific neurons with axons in those nerves.

This is a nice reminder about a few things.

  1. Possibly most importantly, we truly are standing on the shoulders of others as we try to move science forward.  I hesitate to say “on the shoulders of giants,” because, for all I know, Lillian Russell was of average height.
  2. You really never know when something you did will be useful to another scientist.  Ninety years ago (90!), nobody knew about kleptoplasty, and the study was carried out because nervous system structure was considered to be a good marker for evolutionary relationships.  It is not reasonable to argue that every experiment that can be imagined must be performed, but during this time in which research needs to be either “translational” or “transformative” in order to be funded, it would be nice to make a tiny bit of room for work that is simply of high quality.
  3. It may be necessary to dig deep into the literature to avoid reinventing the wheel.  Many of us are guilty of looking over the figures of a paper and skimming the text, rather than reading every word.  Time is short and papers can be long.   Nonetheless, some of the most relevant information to people in the field is in the body of the text, rather than in figures or tables.  Who knows what else I will find as I work my way through the old literature.

The Solar Sea Slug project has progressed by leaps during the past half year or so.  In addition to finding the roadmap described above, and establishing a self-sustaining colony of E. clarki, some of the students in the Neurobiology Lab course helped me to work out procedures for recording from neurons in the CNS.  There are still a few improvements  to be made, such as more easily getting the electrode through the sheath that surrounds the ganglia, but we have a little real data.  Below is an action potential that was stimulated by injecting 1 nA of current into a large neuron in the abdominal ganglion (Pierce’s “Parker Cell?”).

Action potential recorded from a large neuron in abdominal ganglion of Elysia clarki. 4/19/18

How are we doing?

Self-sustaining culture: Image result for check symbol

Neuroanatomical roadmap: Image result for check symbol

Dissection techniques: Image result for check symbol

First intracellular recording: Image result for check symbol

This project is really starting to take off.