Elysia Neuroanatomy: Old becomes new again!

Ah, the Good Old Days, when “curiosity-driven” science wasn’t naughty.  Of course, one might not want to get too nostalgic when the woman whose work is the subject of this post is referred to as “Miss Lillian Russell” in the running head of the paper.  Apparently, gender and marital status were considered relevant in a scientific publication 90 years ago.

The primary goal of the Solar Sea Slug project is to study the neurobiological specializations of photosynthetic molluscs.  In order to chart the input and output pathways, we need a good roadmap of the central nervous system (CNS) and the nerves that connect it with the rest of the animal.  I had hoped that someone had generated at least a crude diagram, and had found some drawings of the nervous systems of Elysia viridis (Huber, 1993, J. Moll. Stud. 59:381) and E. crispata (Gascoigne, 1972, Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 69:137), but had not found much more.  I fully expected to map the peripheral nerves by myself, and we had even done some preliminary experiments with fluorescent labels for axons for Slug Club during spring semester.

As is often the case, the breakthrough came as I was burrowing through the references from one of the older papers.  Huber’s 1993 paper reviews the structure of the CNS of a wide range of gastropod molluscs, and includes a nice diagram of the central nervous system of E. viridis, but provides no information about the periphery.  I had skimmed the section describing the image, but had mostly focused on the figure itself.  He made a passing reference to earlier work by Russell (1929, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 14:197), so, for the sake of completeness, I ordered the paper through inter-library loan, making it clear that I would like them to include any photographic plates, which are often in a section separate from the main body of the paper.

When I downloaded the paper about a day later, I was pleasantly shocked.  As part of a study of the taxonomy of the ascoglossans (= sacoglossans), Lillian Russell had performed a thorough, detailed analysis of the nervous system, nerves, and internal anatomy of E. viridis and a nudibranch, Aeolidia papillosa. She provided an excellent description of the fusion of about seven ganglia to produce the nerve ring that comprises the CNS, along with multiple excellent drawings of the CNS, the peripheral nerves and internal organs of E. viridis.

Plate 4 of Russell (1929). Detailed map of the ganglionic origins and terminations of peripheral nerves that innervate the body wall.

It is hard to know which image is my favorite, but I am very fond of the drawing below, which shows the ganglia in the head, the nerves that originate from them, and the terminations of the nerves in sensory organs such as the eyes and rhinophores.

Russell (1929) plate 1. Detail of the head, including the nervous system and internal organs. Highlights include the eyes (labeled as such), the cerebral ganglia (labeled 1 and 8a), and the rhinophorial nerve (labeled n. 1).

The drawing below, of the CNS and nerves removed from the animal, is also quite impressive, showing the individual ganglia that make up the CNS, and the origins of the many nerves that carry sensory information in, and motor commands out.

Russell (1929) plate 3. Isolated central nervous system and nerves. The ganglia that comprise the CNS can be seen clearly with the esophagus removed.

Aside from publishing a similar description of E. clarki (which probably only differs in slight details), and leaving a note in her will to let me know about it, I can’t imagine how she could have done any more to help me out.  Although I had intended to do the work myself, anatomical description of this quality requires considerable patience and artistic skill.  I am not very patient, nor am I a good artist.  Thanks to Russell’s hard work, I am free to do my behavioral experiments and electrical recordings, and be in my happy place.

So, why is this useful?  In a general sense, it gives a starting place for finding neurons and circuits that generate behavior.  If you want to know where sensory information goes in the nervous system, finding the nerve that carries the axons from the relevant sense organ or part of the body is a good start.  Same goes for finding the motor neurons that cause muscles in a certain part of the body to contract.  As a specific example, if we are trying to find how information about light gets to the brain, we first need to find the nerves that connect to the eyes or (hypothetically) other sense organs that detect light or photosynthetic activity. Then we can record monitor impulse activity in the nerves, or from the specific neurons with axons in those nerves.

This is a nice reminder about a few things.

  1. Possibly most importantly, we truly are standing on the shoulders of others as we try to move science forward.  I hesitate to say “on the shoulders of giants,” because, for all I know, Lillian Russell was of average height.
  2. You really never know when something you did will be useful to another scientist.  Ninety years ago (90!), nobody knew about kleptoplasty, and the study was carried out because nervous system structure was considered to be a good marker for evolutionary relationships.  It is not reasonable to argue that every experiment that can be imagined must be performed, but during this time in which research needs to be either “translational” or “transformative” in order to be funded, it would be nice to make a tiny bit of room for work that is simply of high quality.
  3. It may be necessary to dig deep into the literature to avoid reinventing the wheel.  Many of us are guilty of looking over the figures of a paper and skimming the text, rather than reading every word.  Time is short and papers can be long.   Nonetheless, some of the most relevant information to people in the field is in the body of the text, rather than in figures or tables.  Who knows what else I will find as I work my way through the old literature.

The Solar Sea Slug project has progressed by leaps during the past half year or so.  In addition to finding the roadmap described above, and establishing a self-sustaining colony of E. clarki, some of the students in the Neurobiology Lab course helped me to work out procedures for recording from neurons in the CNS.  There are still a few improvements  to be made, such as more easily getting the electrode through the sheath that surrounds the ganglia, but we have a little real data.  Below is an action potential that was stimulated by injecting 1 nA of current into a large neuron in the abdominal ganglion (Pierce’s “Parker Cell?”).

Action potential recorded from a large neuron in abdominal ganglion of Elysia clarki. 4/19/18

How are we doing?

Self-sustaining culture: Image result for check symbol

Neuroanatomical roadmap: Image result for check symbol

Dissection techniques: Image result for check symbol

First intracellular recording: Image result for check symbol

This project is really starting to take off.

First 100% Maryland Eggs

We have now come full cycle.  Eggs from slugs collected in the Keys have hatched, and the little ones have settled, grown to adulthood and have now produced their own eggs.  The slugs in Box of Slugs 2.0 have been producing eggs, but, because one wild-collected slug remains, I can’t be 100% sure who laid them.

This egg mass was laid in the 10-gallon growout tank at USG.  All of the potential parents came from egg masses collected between 1/19/18 and 1/24/18, and started hatching between 1/31/18 and 2/6/18.  So the maximum possible age of the parents is about 4 months, but they could have been a few weeks younger.

Egg mass in 10-gallon growout tank at USG. Found 5/27/18, but could have been deposited 5/26 or 5/27. Photograph 5/27/18.

Importantly, the eggs are almost 100% fertile.  The embryos could be seen developing within a few days, and started to look like veligers in less than a week.

A small section of a developing egg mass from 5/27/18, approximately 8 days post deposition. Depending on the viewing angle, it is possible to see a faint velum extending from each side of the head (embryo viewed face-on), or the shell and head structures (side view). Rare unfertilized embryo marked with an asterisk. 6/4/18.

Because I will be away for much of the summer, I will not be able to rear these embryos.  I am hoping for many more broods in the future.

Slugs Taste Bad II: Mucus vs Tissue

In the continuing quest to understand the benefits of kleptoplasty, the Slug Club students and I set up some experiments to determine whether Elysia mucus caused predators to avoid them, and, if so, which components.  The logic behind the experiment was that 1) both the literature and my own observations indicated that slugs taste bad to predators; and 2) kleptoplasts produce organic compounds that appear in the mucus (Trench et al., 1972, Biol. Bull. 142:335); so maybe kleptoplasty plays a role in making defensive chemicals that keep fish and predators from eating them.

For these experiments, Zvi Kellman at IBBR was kind enough to provide some space for a predator setup.  We got to set the system up, and not have to worry about vacating the space for the entire semester.

The first small hurdle was to find some predators.  Because my preliminary experiments were done with fish, I had originally planned on testing fish from the same range as the E. clarki, maybe bluehead wrasse or small puffers. Then I was reminded of the paperwork for doing experiments with vertebrates, which is required even if we just watch what they eat and don’t do anything mean to them.  Dreading the possibility that time would evaporate while I assembled forms and waited for replies, I became much more enthusiastic about invertebrate predators.

But which invertebrate predators?  The primary requirements were that they were plausible natural predators, from the same geographic locations (i.e., sympatric), that we could obtain multiple individuals of the same species, and that they would not be too expensive or hard to keep.  I was hoping to find some small, nasty crabs that local aquarists or shops had extracted from their tanks, but nobody seemed to have any available.  Mike Middlebrooks had tried blue crabs, but they seemed rather large for our facilities.  I finally settled on peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni).  They are sympatric, and are certainly willing to tear apart and eat other small, squishy invertebrates.  KP Aquatics sells them in lots of 5, so I could set up multiple groups of them without going broke.  Even if they don’t naturally prey on Elysia (nobody knows), they require no encouragement to eat, so we could at least test whether they are discouraged by slug slime.

We obtained a used 40 gallon breeder tank from a local aquarist (Thanks Rik), and moved in.  We had a sink and a plentiful supply of purified water located a few feet away, so it was pretty easy to get set up.

Bench space at IBBR, with 40 breeder tank. 2/2/18

I siliconed in some acrylic dividers to have five independent sections.  Each section had a drain leading to the sump, which had a  skimmer and a small filter.  The output of the return pump fed each section independently, and flow to each was adjusted with a ball valve.  Each section also had a plastic plant and cave assembled from 1.5″ PVC fittings.  At the beginning, each section had 4-5 shrimp.

Tank with dividers in place, just after adding water and salt. Each section drains to the 10 gallon sump on the right, with a protein skimmer and filter. Water is pumped back to shrimp enclosures, with flow controlled by ball valves that can be seen at the top of each section. 2/17/18

We messed around for a few weeks, then settled on an approach inspired by Becerro et al. (2001; J. Chem. Ecol. 27:2287).  They made cubes based on powdered fish food and carrageenan, added potentially aversive compounds, and then placed them in the ocean to examine the effects on feeding by fish.

Slug Club Spring 2018, making food cubes. From left: Kathleen, Claudia and Elyson. 4/18/18.

The students took the lead in working out how best to make carrageenan based food.  They figured out how to get the carrageenan dissolved, when to add the powdered food (Zoplan freeze dried zooplankton by Two Little Fishies), and the best way to add mucus or slug tissue to experimental cubes.  The hot liquid food was poured into silicone ice cube trays to make as many 1 cm cubes as needed.  Silicone O-rings, used later to secure the food cubes in the shrimp tanks, were held in place with plastic rods during pouring.

Ready to pour food. Silicone O-rings, threaded onto plastic rods, are placed into compartments of ice cube tray.

The food cubes were then placed in the shrimp enclosures.  Each was secured by its O-ring to a plastic paperclip tied to a monofilament line suspended vertically in water column.  Each line had multiple possible attachment sites.  The shrimp were not shy, and rapidly moved in to explore the potential food source.

Testing food assay system. Food cubes are secured by O-rings to plastic paper clips that were tied to monofilament line. Line is weighted by PVC elbow at bottom, hooked to input hose above.  Shrimp rapidly approach and sample the cubes. 3/28/18.

Experiment 1 tested to effect of mucus on feeding.  Two cubes, one control and one experimental, were placed in each section.  The control cubes were made with powdered food, carrageenan and artificial seawater (ASW); the ASW was replaced by mucus in the experimental cubes.

Mucus dripping from annoyed slugs in dip net. 4/9/18.

Collecting the mucus was not trivial.  Even though the slugs readily secrete mucus when annoyed (such as when crowded into a dip net), the sticky mucus is not easy to separate from the slugs.  Ultimately, we just let it drip into a beaker for 30 minutes or so, then returned the irritated by unharmed slugs to their tank. The mucus was then mixed into the food, and the unused portion frozen for later use.

Detail of food cube, showing embedded red silicone O-ring connected to plastic paper clip (yellow). 3/28/18.

To control for effects of position in the tank, food cubes from both groups were placed at different levels.  We recorded the weight before adding to the tanks, and the position in the tank, then left the cubes with the shrimp for 24 hours.  They were collected, and each was weighed again. The amount consumed was then calculated.

The results from the first round of experiments were underwhelming, but informative.  The shrimp were unequivocally indifferent to the presence of mucus in the food.  The graph below shows that shrimp consumed about 0.5 grams per day of food, regardless of whether it contained mucus.

Experiment 1: Effect of mucus on feeding by shrimp (means and standard errors). Control food cubes contained 10 ml ASW, mucus cubes had 10 ml of mucus from Elysia clarki.  High food content (5g/90 ml).  Sample sizes are 25 cubes for each group.

So, shrimp do not seem to mind mucus in their food.

The next step was to determine whether Elysia even taste bad to shrimp.  Peppermint shrimp do, in fact, eat a number of nasty things, including the anemone Aiptasia.  We had predicated our experiments on the idea that Elysia contain compounds the shrimp would find distasteful, but we never actually tested this idea.  It was time for a “Friday Afternoon Experiment,” in which one tries a quick and dirty test to see what happens.  In this case, we threw some baby Elysia to the shrimp.

Shrimp devouring baby slug during first trial with live Elysia. 3/26/18

The results were horrifying and illuminating.  Shrimp rapidly grabbed, dismembered and ate the baby slugs.  However, they left fragments of uneaten slugs, which gave a glimmer of hope that they did not find them to be the most palatable meals.  We repeated the experiment twice more, with a week in between, and the shrimp consumed less at each session, as if they had learned not to eat them, but consistently attacked and tore at the slugs.

Although brutal, there are some lessons here.

First, shrimp should definitely be included in the list of possible predators.  Naive shrimp had no qualms about eating Elysia tissue, and they would be well placed to hunt down small mollusks during their nightly forays to rummage the reef.

Second, the damaged slugs often recovered.  The usual examples of toxic or unpalatable species (think monarch butterflies) are often killed when they are sampled by predators.  Kin might benefit from future behavior of the predator, but the sampled individual is out of luck.  In this case, the slug may be able to limp away after having been tasted and rejected, and benefit directly from containing aversive compounds.  This may also explain why Elysia lack the bright warning coloration often associated with unpalatable prey.  Maybe the first line of defense is to be inconspicuous, and, if that fails, expect to be spat out after being tasted.

Experiment 2 was based on a suggestion by one of the students: if shrimp don’t mind mucus, what about the slugs’ tissues?

We anesthetized slugs, and worked out how to produce tissue puree.  We quickly learned that a standard mortar and pestle has little effect on tissue is both slimy and rubbery.  Chopping with a razor blade was better, and produced adequate tissue for the first round of experiments.  Later, I had to cull a large number, and used a food processor to make a tissue homogenate.

Experiment 2: Effect of mucus and slug puree on feeding. Medium food content (2.5 g/90 ml).  20 cubes per group.

The results were consistent with our expectations.  Mucus alone had little or no effect on feeding.  Slug tissue appeared to reduce feeding by more than 35%.  However, the results were not statistically significant, possibly due to variability between groups of shrimp.

We accidentally performed an additional experiment on the effect of food concentration on the rate of feeding and the aversive effect of slug tissue.  For one batch of food, we ran out of powdered food, and used less than half the normal amount.

Experiment 3: Effect of mucus and slug puree on feeding. Low food concentration (1.16 g/90 ml).  12 cubes per data point.

The shrimp ate less overall, and the effect of including slug tissue appeared to be stronger, reducing feeding by more than half.  As above, the results were not statistically significant, presumably due to the small sample and variability between sections.  Nonetheless, balancing the attractiveness of food versus the distastefulness of slug tissue needs to be considered for future experiments.

Relationship between amount of food cubes eaten (means and standard errors) and concentration of food powder. All groups show a modest increase in consumption when cubes have more food content. Cubes containing slug tissue (green line) appear to be less palatable at both food concentrations tested.

For the moment, we can tentatively conclude that mucus from Elysia has no impact on feeding by peppermint shrimp, but that slug tissue inhibits feeding.

Because Mike Middlebrooks tried similar experiments on blue crabs with adult slugs, the last experiment of the semester was to put full grown Elysia into the shrimp enclosures.  Normally approach food rapidly, but were very cautious.  When slugs dropped right in front, picked with pincers, but did not tear at the slugs.

In the future, there are several improvements that could help to sharpen the results.

One issue that arose was the change in shrimp populations in the sections over time.  A few shrimp were lost (the absence of carcasses suggests cannibalism) over the three months of the experiment, yielding a final range number of 2-5 shrimp per section, which resulted in considerable inter-section variation in food consumed in a 24 hour period.  Doing a periodic census and adjusting populations will presumably reduce variability.

Another possible confounding factor as that some cubes appeared to be torn apart and left on the bottom, and were therefore scored as eaten when they may have only been consumed partially.  Using video analysis of time spent feeding on each type of cube would help distinguish between destruction and consumption of food.

One other issue was the growth of algae during the semester.  Despite relatively low light in the lab, protein skimming and periodic water changes, the addition of food supported algae growth.  Given the omnivorous nature of the shrimp, the algae may have served as an alternative food source. Giving the enclosures a quick scrub during weekly maintenance would force the shrimp to focus on the food cubes.

Smothered in Slugs Part 2: Thinning the herd

If you are squeamish, you may want to skip this post.

As described in the previous post, I somehow ended up with hundreds more Elysia than expected.  All well and good, but even after reducing the numbers by a few hundred, I simply could not raise enough food to keep up with the appetites of all those hungry slugs.  After pulling out the primary growout tank and removing the exhausted algae, I could have a clear view of the population.

A few hundred young slugs from rearing tank. There were not supposed to be so many. 4/29/18.

Oy!  I had already set aside a small number in another tank for physiology experiments and the next generation of parents, so I did not have an immediate use for all of these.  I was faced with a tough choice: cull some of them, or let them all die slowly of starvation.  It gave me some sympathy for Thanos.

I set aside about 30, which seemed sustainable.  The rest were placed first into a net to extract mucus for future use.  After setting aside the mucus, the slugs were then anesthetized and placed into a small (1.5 cup) food processor.

Anesthetized Elysia in 1.5 cup food processor. 4/29/18.

The job was done quickly.  I froze the tissue for future use.

125 ml of slug puree in food processor. 4/29/18.

I don’t feel great about having pureed these guys, but one of the responsibilities of maintaining a captive invertebrate colony is getting the numbers right.

The remaining slugs are feeding and growing vigorously.

Smothered in Slugs, Part 1

After devoting so many hours to learning how to feed and rear slugs, I suppose I can’t complain about the current situation.

Baby slugs filling 10 gallon tank. 3/21/18

I am drowning in Elysia.

In the past month, we have shipped well over a hundred baby E. clarki (plus a few dozen E. crispata) back to their homeland in Florida, gave another dozen to local aquarists, fixed at least a few hundred for anatomical studies, and yet there seem to be hundreds more.  They are destroying Bryopsis as fast as I can feed it to them, and I had to cull another few hundred last week to keep the rest from starving.  I honestly did not think I had that many babies growing in the system.

I will keep the remaining slugs for the next few weeks, because several groups of students have proposed using them for their independent projects in Neurobiology Lab class.  It will be very exciting to see what the students can accomplish.  We have also been extracting mucus from groups of slugs, for use in feeding assays (soon to be the subject of another post, I hope).  Finally, I am holding onto some of the smallest for another round of staining (yet another upcoming post) and predation assays (yet, yet another upcoming post).

When I resorted to buying E. crispata collected in Haiti last fall, because I was not able to obtain E. clarki from the Keys, I would never have dreamed that there would be such a turnaround. We now have enough slugs of all sizes to do any kind of experiment we can imagine.

Elysia clarki eggs, from 2nd generation parents. Box of Slugs 2.0, 4/1/18.

Not only that, there are no longer any mysterious gaps in the life cycle, from egg to veliger to hatchling to adult to egg.  The offspring from the first brood have become reproductively mature, so we are getting eggs from slugs that grew up here in Maryland.  As a result, I have put together a page about how to culture E. clarki.

Mother and daughter dozing in the early morning. Box of Slugs 2.0, 3/31/18.

There will undoubtedly be challenges ahead, but developing a self-sustaining colony was one of the major goals of the Elysia project.  Now the fun can begin.

Stay tuned for updates on Elysia anatomy, making food with mucus, predation assays, and take a look at the details of how I ended up with several hundred baby slugs.

Growing Up Fast

In only a few weeks, the first batch has gone from barely visible (see the previous post) to nearly adult.

A week ago, it was time to move the four survivors into tanks with the grownups.  They had been weaned from Bryopsis plumosa to B. pennata, and were big enough to avoid being eaten by most of the worms and amphipods that inhabit the boxes of slugs.  As far as I can tell, they all survived once their rhinophores and parapodia were fully developed, so they are sturdy little gals.

This is the best photo I could get last week of a youngster exploring her new world in the home tank.  I found her egg mass on 12/30/17, moved her to the USG system, grew her up, and now she’s home!  She’s a little over 1 cm, I would guess, and mom (dad?) towers over her.  Elysia look about the same whether they are happy, sad, scared, excited, angry, or bored, so I am not sure if the parent slug looks proud.

Baby Elysia clarki, below mom’s head, in Box of Slugs 2.0. 2/18/18.

After only a week of stuffing herself full of Bryopsis, she has nearly doubled in size.  Still dwarfed by mom, but on her way to adulthood.

Young Elysia clarki, with her mother. Box of Slugs 2.0, 2/25/18.

As the older of her parents becomes paler and slowly slides into senescence, it will soon be time for the little ones to take over as matriarchs.  We’ll see how long it takes before they produce their first eggs.


After passing the first hurdle, getting them to eat, everything should be easy, right?  Well, there are plenty of things that can go wrong.  Predators can sneak in with the food algae (you don’t have to be too big to eat a lot of hatchling slugs), and pathogens can decimate a whole brood.  Nonetheless, a few of the first batch have grown, sprouted rhinophores, extended parapodia, and look like teeny Elysia!

Miniature E. clarki, about 10 days after first meal. 2/5/18

They are currently living in a modified specimen container (like they use to catch fish at the pet store).  I drilled a few big holes in it, and covered them with fine nylon mesh to keep the babies in.  They get a constant, slow flow of UV-sterilized artificial seawater, and have a variety of algae to choose from.  They still seem to prefer Bryopsis plumosa for the moment, although they may be sneaking tastes of B. pennata.

Teeny E. clarki at about two weeks after first meal. 2/8/18.

It has been hard to get a proper measurement at this point, but they are about 2 mm long, are somewhat visible to the naked eye, and can be easily observed with a simple magnifying glass.  The photos above were shot with the macro setting of a digital point-and-shoot camera, so they are rapidly leaving the microscopic world!

Fingers crossed that they continue to grow.

Getting Baby Slugs to Eat

Since the first batches of eggs were laid years ago, it has been a struggle to get the babies to make the jump from hatchling to juvenile slug.  The eggs hatch a few weeks after having been laid, and the veligers rapidly make the transition to cute baby slugs.

Elysia clarki hatchling on Cladophora (?). 11/1/17

The problem was that they almost never progressed to the point of looking like miniature adults, as in the photo below.

Very small E. clarki that will ultimately grow to adulthood in Box of Slugs 2.0. Note the chloroplasts (green dots) and the rhinophores.  2/24/15

Once they had rhinophores at the front end, and chloroplasts inside, as seen above, they grew quickly to adults.  The problem was that the hatchling slugs would never eat.  They would crawl around on the algae, and appeared to try to feed, but never ingested anything and ultimately starved.

It was hard to know what was wrong, because any number of factors might prevent them from eating.  Were there issues with environmental conditions or pathogens that were preventing them from feeding?  Was it the type of algae?  Adults devour Bryopsis and a number of other algae species quite happily, but maybe baby slugs do not eat the same species.  For example, E. timida adults eat Acetabularia exclusively, but the hatchlings only eat Cladophora.  So what do baby E. clarki eat?

As described in previous posts, the E. clarki in my home tank (“Box of Slugs 2.0”) have been producing eggs at a relatively constant rate of one egg mass per week.  It was getting depressing to watch broods hatch, then starve over and over again.  I wanted to order some Cladophora (if it works for E. timida, why not E. clarki?), but Hurricane Irma had wiped out collecting in Florida for the winter.  I did try a species of algae that had taken over a local aquarist’s tank and that looked a lot like Cladophora, but the babies were not interested.

The Chemical Ecology students shamed me into contacting Skip Pierce again, which turned out to be a very positive thing for a number of reasons. I was surprised to hear that they had no trouble getting the slugs to start eating, but they had never been able to get them to lay eggs on a regular basis.

After a few emails back and forth between me, Pierce, and his collaborator Mike Middlebrooks, we realized that I might have been using the wrong species of Bryopsis.  The students had sequenced the DNA of the species that I culture here, and it is unambiguously B. pennata.  I have been using it for the simple reason that it plagues local aquarists, and was therefore the species I could obtain with some regularity.  After a few years of tweaking, I have been able to grow it sustainably, and the adult slugs grow big and strong using it as an exclusive food source.

Nonetheless, the babies might prefer B. plumosa.  The Pierce lab tried feeding hatchling E. clarki with a long list of algae, but they would only eat B. plumosa or Derbesia tenuissima (Curtis et al., 2007).  They did not try B. pennata, and I was skeptical so the hatchlings would be so picky about two similar species of algae.  Skip and Mike were relatively certain that the hatchlings would survive if they were fed B. plumosa.  It is possible that the youngsters that had survived in my tank before had found some D. tenuissima, which is a common nuisance algae in marine aquaria.

However, feeding them B. plumosa was easier said than done.  To my knowledge, there is no retail source for B. plumosa, and Irma had made it difficult for Mike Middlebrooks to collect any for himself or for me.  I even tried to collect in on the Eastern Shore of Marlyand, because it had been reported growing on hard surfaces there.  The strong currents, and turbid, cold water of the Atlantic in November made that trip something of a fool’s errand.  There were several species of Ulva easily available, but no Bryopsis to be found.

Ulva at Ocean City. 11/11/17

I finally decided to invite myself to Tampa.  Even if we could not find B. plumosa, I would be able to see the setup at the Middlebrooks lab.  My entire career has been spent with lab-reared insects, not marine molluscs, so it seemed a good idea to visit a real Elysia lab.  As it turns out, I got to visit two Elysia labs, because the Pierce lab at USF and Mike’s lab at the University of Tampa are relatively close to one another.  I spent 3 days in Tampa, talking endlessly with Mike about all things sluggy, and getting caught up on a lot of detail.  There really is not better way to learn about a field than having long, unstructured conversations about details few other people care about.

Mike Middlebrooks and Skip Pierce, in the Pierce Lab at the University of South Florida. 12/28/17

As an added bonus, Mike took me to his collection site at Sand Key Park in Clearwater, where we found abundant, dense, happy growths of B. plumosa.  We collected several large Ziploc bags full of Bryopsis, along with some Cladophora for good measure.

Bryopsis plumosa (the deep green stuff on the edge of the rock) and other algae on Jetty at Sand Park Key, 12/28/17.

That left the question of how to get some of it to Maryland.  After some discussion of shipping options, I decided to quadruple bag a batch of it, wrap it in a wetsuit, and check it on the airplane.  It survived the night in the hotel before the flight, although it started to develop a slight smell of shore drift.

Ziploc bag full of B. pennata. Clump of Cladophora in foreground. 12/28/17

After the long journey in imperfect conditions, the algae looked pretty good.

B. plumosa in Box of Slugs 2.0. 12/29/17

The good news is that, as of last week, E. clarki hatchlings have been eating B. plumosa.  Yaaay!  They seemed to be drawn strongly to the algae, and within a few days the proof was in their guts.  The youngster in the photo below has algae in her pair of digestive diverticula that run along her sides.  She is still very young, possibly after her first meal, and not much bigger than the veliger larva next to her.

Hatchling, with food in digestive diverticula. Veliger larva at left. 1/28/18

The slug below is larger (although the scales are different), and has stuffed herself full.  There are also older animals that are starting to develop rhinophores and parapodia, but they were not positioned for photographs.  So, it looks like we are finally past the hurdle of the first meal.  Assuming they avoid the predators and pathogens in the system, we should soon see some miniature versions of the adults.

Elysia clarki hatchling, full of algal cytoplasm.  1/26/18

One problem solved, but it is still unclear why the Pierce and Middlebrooks labs can’t get their slugs to lay eggs.  What’s worse is that Irma seems to have wiped out the wild E. clarki for the moment.  The good news is that I carried a clutch of eggs to Tampa when I visited, and Skip Pierce let me know that they are feeding and growing.  Some Maryland slugs have made their way back home.

Just Some Eggs

Elysia clarki eggs in Box of Slugs 2. 1/16/18

This morning, one of the big Elysia clarki was coiled suspiciously on one of the Udotea .  Sure enough, she was laying another large egg mass.  There must be thousands of little embryos in there.  They have been laying about one mass per week, for quite some time, and the total count is at least 21 egg masses since September.  That is a lot of eggs for two slugs.

Keeping fingers crossed about getting the babies to eat, now that we have some new Bryopsis plumosa.

Updates for the New Year!

Happy 2018 to everyone from us at the Solar Sea Slug Blog.

Elysia zuleicae in Pierce Lab at the University of South Florida. 12/28/17

We’ve polished the place up a little for the new year, adding about 20 papers to the reference lists, and publishing species pages for E. papillosa and E. zuleicae.

Thank you all for your views and support.  Looking forward to more sluggy adventures in 2018.